About this course...

Your astrology chart is a GPS for your life. It can show you the way to get what you want. This includes the path to financial prosperity. Through the money houses, 2nd house, 8th house, and 11th house, the planets and the rulers of those houses can show you sources of money, where money can flow and how you might be shortchanging yourself in life.

If you’re new to astrology, there is a step-by-step guide to help you learn about your chart, find the houses, recognize the planets, and uncover treasure.

If you don’t have planets in money houses, it’s no problem. Some people make millions of dollars without planets in money houses because each house still has a rulership and, therefore, a source or sources of money.

If you don’t have a time of birth, it’s no problem. My research shows that a solar chart will give you lots of insight into money opportunities and help you overcome blocks to wealth.

There is a lot of information in this course for a very low cost. That’s because I want this information in your hands. I want you to be able to access your financial gifts. Take action today and start finding the hidden money in your chart.

Example of the Step by Step Video and PDF
Step by Step instructions
  • Extensive Learning Materials: Dive into over 50 engaging videos and a wealth of PDFs, each packed with detailed insights.
  • Personalized Strategies: Understand how planetary positions like the Sun, Saturn, Pluto or other planets in money houses can be leveraged for your financial benefit.

Thank you so much for this wonderful money horoscope course. I loveee it, very informative and full of details I had never known before. 

- PT in Thailand

Empower Your
Financial Journey
  • Discover Wealth Pathways: Learn how money flows into your life by exploring the natal aspects of the second, eighth, and eleventh house rulers.
  • Overcome Financial Blocks: Identify and release obstacles to your prosperity, paving the way for wealth accumulation.

Very informative and to the point! Thank you!

-MM in the United States

Additional Features
  • Adapt to Change: Gain insight into how relocation can impact your financial destiny.
  • Astrological Timing: Learn to use lunar and solar returns to forecast and enhance your financial opportunities.
  • Real-World Examples: Explore a rich array of natal and return charts for practical, real-life applications.

The course was thoughtfully put together. I was easily able to absorb the takeaways and immediately apply the concepts to my own chart. -PA in the United States

Example Curriculum

  How Does Money Come Into Your Life?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Can You Accumulate Money?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Advanced Concepts and Timing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Original Course - These are the videos from the original course
Available in days
days after you enroll

This low introductory price won't last long. The price will be going up soon!

Donna Stellhorn

Donna Stellhorn is an Astrologer, Feng Shui expert, and has written 20 books, including Feng Shui Form and the best-selling booklet Sage & Smudge. Donna writes weekly and monthly predictions for Astrology.com and Horoscope.com. She offers growing catalog of video courses, including Finding the Hidden Money in Your Chart and Tarot: Reading the Natural Way. Donna is a consulting Astrologer and sees clients every day. She is on the board of the NCGR - San Diego. Donna lives in Oceanside, California where for fun, she makes YouTube videos, and when she wants to be terrified, she does stand-up comedy.