Power of Color - Webinar

Did you know that people who wear the color red are not only seen as winners but actually win more often? Or that being surrounded by the color blue in a room with what you choose to wear could possibly lower your blood pressure? Color has a profound effect on our lives. In this webinar, you'll learn the meaning of different colors and how they affect you on the job and at home. Learn how the color you are wearing affects your interactions with others. And how you can decorate your home to support your goals, give you more energy, or help you relax. We will talk about a color to never use if you want to attract a love relationship. You might be surprised to find out the true energy of this color. We'll talk about colors to wear to make a good impression, as well as colors for your home to help support your goals. In this webinar, you'll learn what colors stimulate your appetite or help you eat less. We'll even talk about the color of your plates and bowls, which is known to reduce appetite and aid in weight loss. This webinar includes an illustrated PDF transcript.

What's the best color for weight loss?

Did you know there's a color that actually helps reduce appetite?

Why pink won't bring you the love you want.

Learn the history of pink and what color you should be using to attract love.

The power color to wear to a meeting.

How to spot the powerful people in a room.

Example Curriculum

  The Power of Color Webinar
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Donna Stellhorn

Donna Stellhorn is an Astrologer, Feng Shui expert, and has written 20 books, including Feng Shui Form and the best-selling booklet Sage & Smudge. Donna writes weekly and monthly predictions for Astrology.com and Horoscope.com. She offers a growing catalog of video courses, including Finding the Hidden Money in Your Chart and Tarot: Reading the Natural Way. Donna is a consulting Astrologer specializing in Predictive Western Astrology and she sees clients every day. She is on the board of the NCGR - San Diego. For fun, Donna makes YouTube videos, and when she wants to be terrified, she does stand-up comedy. Her favorite place is Iceland but she currently lives in Oceanside, California (which is also quite wonderful).